8 Hour Kirtan October 2014











We cordially invite you to the next 8 Hour Kirtan event taking place on the 4th of October.

The program will start at 12 noon and go on till 8pm. Sumptuous lunch will be served during the program followed by light dinner prasadam.

“We should always remember the danger of Maya’s [material illusion’s] influence and endeavor to save ourselves from her great power. We must therefore always merge in the transcendental mellow of kirtana-rasa [the sweet taste of chanting the holy name], for kirtana-rasa is the safest situation within this material world.”
(Srila Prabhupada in Foreword of Songs of the Vaishnava Acaryas)

So, come to celebrate …the transcendental bliss of Kirtan-rasa by chanting, dancing and feasting to glorify Their Lordships Sri Sri Panca Tattva and our dear Srila Prabhupada!